Opcije pristupačnosti Pristupačnost


Alumni is a popular name (of Latin origin, meaning custody, protégé) for former students of a certain university. Alumni (Latin, plural of alumnus) is a former member of an institution, usually a university (Alma Mater) who somehow remains connected to it. Alumni are common associations throughout the world and they have a centennial tradition at some universities.

Association of graduate students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Pula

The Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Juraj Dobrila University of Pula wishes to follow good practices and therefore on 10 October 2016 the Founding Assembly was held, while the State Administration Office of the Istrian County reached the decision on 2 February 2017 allowing the registration of the Association of graduate students of the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Pula into the Register of Associations of the Republic of Croatia.

The Faculty wishes to establish a permanent connection with its graduate students and notify them of developmental plans and programmes, as well as encourage all those who graduated at this Faculty (as the legal successor of the former Faculty of Teacher Education and the Teacher Training College in Pula) to help us in our efforts to make it as good as possible.

Association president

Kristina Alviž Rengel, mag. prim. educ. (mandate 2016-2020)