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News - Office for partnership and projects

Completion of the Croatian language...
We are pleased to announce that the winter semester Croatian language course for Erasmus students has been completed. The course aimed at helping students integrate into both academic and social life in Croatia.

Announcement: New Course for Erasmus+...
In 2024/25 we are starting the course  INTRODUCTION TO CROATIAN HISTORY  ( syllabus ). Its primary goal is to explain the main events and processes in Croatian history, from the Early Middle Ages to the present. It is taught in English, on the level adjusted to students in different fields, from humanities to all other areas, and coming from various national education systems. The course is available in both winter and summer. semesters.  

Doctorate in pan-European studies –...
We invite you to apply for the JOINT PhD program (doctorate in pan-European studies). These interdisciplinary and innovative doctoral programs are reputed to be one of the best within the EU.

Author: Andrea Bulešić
Croatian breakfast – Informal Meeting...
Today, January 18, 2023, was held an informal meeting „Croatian breakfast“ with incoming Erasmus students. The two-hour gathering was organized to hear first-hand experiences of foreign students staying at our University in the winter semester of the academic year 2022/2023.

Author: Kristina Hlavati Bertoncelj
University of Mostar delegation...
Milea Ajduk Kurtović and Danijel Vasić from the Faculty of science and education  from University of Mostar (BiH) visited  Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. On that occasion, they met with the representatives of the Office for Partnership and Projects - Andrea Bulešić and Kristina Hlavati Bertoncelj.

Ivona Peternel, PhD, held guest...
Head of the Office for Partenrship and Projects Ivona Peternel , PhD, held a guest lecture at the University of Mostar as part of the International Staff Week. On that occasion, she presented Juraj Dobrila University of Pula and internationalization processes.

Author: Kristina Hlavati Bertoncelj
COMAS representative visits Juraj...
Shimon Packer from the Israeli College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS) visited Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. On that occasion, as an associa in the Office for International Cooperation, he met with representatives of the Office for Partnership and Projects and the Office for Projects and Development.

Author: Kristina Hlavati Bertoncelj
Visit to the Israeli University...
A delegation from Juraj Dobrila University of Pula visited the College of Management Academic Studies (COMAS) in Israel as part of the Erasmus+ program outside the European Union. Assoc. prof. Ivana Paula-Gortan Carlin, assistant professor Ph.D. Lorena Lazarić and assistant. Ph.D. Rozana Veselica attended the dissemination event "Internationalization at home after the COVID-19 pandemic".

Juraj Dobrila University of Pula...
"Career Acknowledgment for Research (Manager) Delivering for the European Area - CARDEA" is a project funded by the Horizon Europe program , which brings together an eminent international partnership consortium. This is a call within the European Research Area with the aim of maximizing the impact of European Union research and innovation funding (HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ERA-01-20). The consortium is led by the University of Cork (Ireland) and the total value of the project is 1,498,312.00 EUR; and the Juraj Dobrila University in Pula participates with 164,875.00 EUR. The project lasts for four years, the project manager for the University is Ivona Peternel , PhD.

Author: Dominik Tomislav Vladić
Meeting with incoming Erasmus...
On date 27.01.2022. in the premises of the student center, was held a meeting with incoming Erasmus students who spent their mobility at different departments of the University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula in the winter semester 2021/2022. academic year. Except of tasting Croatian breakfast, there was a disscusion about the successful implementation of mobility through the Erasmus + program and the various experiences that students gained during their stay at the University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula.

Author: Ivica Petrinić
Erasmus + students visiting Cape...
Organized by the Office for Partnership and Projects, a joint gathering of Erasmus + students was held at Cape Kamenjak (Premantura). The trip consisted of an adrenaline-fueled bike ride along the way stations, during which the students got to know each other better and exchanged their international study experiences. The cycling tour with sightseeing and exploration lasted more than three hours, and a total of 13 km were covered.

Author: Ivica Petrinić
Erasmus + project "Cell Biology...
The Agency for Mobility and European Union Programs has approved funding for the project "Cell Biology and Art Class Omnibus - (CACAO)" led by the University of Juraj Dobrila in Pula. The project was approved within the key activities 220, Cooperation partnerships in the field of education and general education in the amount of EUR 261.546,00 EUR. The project partners are Universidad Pompeu Fabra (Spain), Musica, Impulscentrum voor Muziek (Belgium), Petar Pan Kindergarten (Zagreb), Embassy International School Sp. Zoo. (Poland), Il Girotondo coop socaile srl (Italy) and fabula movens d.o.o. (Croatia).

Armenian and Polish professors visit...
Professors Mariola Grzebyk and Paulina Filip from the University of Rzeszów visited the Juraj Dobrila University in Pula as part of the CEEPUS program. The professors held lectures and workshops with students on the topic of strategic management and development strategies of companies. Part of the lecture was in the field of financial management and financial crises. Head of the Office for Partnerships and Projects Ivona Peternel, PhD hosted them when they discussed potential future collaborations.

Agency for Mobility and EU Programs is kindly asking students who have already registered to do so once again because, due to technical difficulties, their e-mail addresses have unfortunately not been recorded. Re-registration is required so that students can receive a link to join the lecture.

Agency for Mobility and EU Programs has launched a series of thematic lectures for Erasmus+ beneficiaries to make it easier for them to implement projects or go on student exchanges due to pandemic crisis. The second thematic lecture will be held on November 30, 2020 at 2 pm till 3:30 pm and is intended for students of Erasmus+, CEEPUS and Bilateral programs, both incoming and outgoing.

Erasmus+ students  visit Brijuni...
On the 9th June 2020, the Office for Partnership and Projects of the Juraj Dobrila University of in Pula organized a trip to the Brijuni National Park for all incoming foreign students who spend their Erasmus + study stay at the SJD in Pula in the summer semester, or the entire academic year 2019/2020. As due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office for Partnerships and Projects was not able to organize a regular reception of students (Welcome Day) at the beginning of the summer semester in March, but in accordance to changed epidemiological measuresm, office managed to gather students on this informal occassion.

Head of Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Office for partnership and projects dr.sc. Ivona Peternel visited Faculty of Forestry (University of Sarajevo) within Erasmus + K107 programme. The two institutions are collaborating since 2012., and for the past two years have been exchanging staff through mobility programme. This year Juraj Dobrila University of Pula will host two students during spring semester for the first time. 

On October 22nd, 2019 Mrs. Miyuki Arai wisited Juraj Dobrila University of Pula within Erasmus+ programme. Head of the Office for Partnership and Projects, Ivona Peternel, PhD hosted Mrs. Arai for a meeting during wich they discussed further cooperation terms and developmet within Erasmus+ programme. As Juraj Dobrila University of Pula and Saint Mary's University have active cooperation in academic year 2019/2020 it is in interest of both to strenghten present cooperation and agree on best terms for exchange programme paticipants.   

Author: Ivica Petrinić
Fifteen students from Germany, DHBW Ravensburg, visited Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. Office for Partnership and Projects hosted students durig which students gained informations about University and Erasmus+ programm. After the meeting students hade a tour of University and Student Center.

Mrs. Eveline Deyneka visited Juraj Dobrila University of Pula on July 23rd, 2019 as a representative of IESA Art & Culture School in Paris. Head of the Office for Partnership and Projects, dr. sc. Ivona Peternel and Dean of Faculty for Interdisciplinary, Italian and Cultural Studies, izv. Prof. dr. sc. Tea Golja hosted Mrs. Deyneka. 

Author: Ivica Petrinić
Israeli representatives of the WILLIAM project (Welcome to Israel! Learning & Leading „Internationalization at Home“: Assistance & Management tool) visited Juraj Dobrila University of Pula within the International Staff Week program which was held from 27th until 30th May, 2019.

Colleagues from Armenian State University of Economics, Shushan Movsisyan (Research Center- AMBERD), Manush Kalantaryan (Department of Marketing and Business Organization, Chair of Marketing) and Arpine Hakobyan (Chair of Managerial accounting and auditing) visited Juraj Dobrila University of Pula within Erasmus+ Programme. 

On February 11-15, doc. dr. sc. Iva Slivar visited Armenian State University of Economic within Erasmus+ programme. Doc. dr. sc. Slivar shared her experience with colleagues of ASUE and was the trainee at the same time. Head of Foreign Relations Division, Vard Ghukasyan briefly presented the transition to the Bologna system, the obstacles to its implementation and how to eliminate them. Vard Ghukasyan presented RA education system, organizational peculiarities of higher education at ASUE.